Premier Inn Dundee Centre i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Dundee Centre



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Discovery Quay, Riverside Drive, Dundee DD1 4XA, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8320
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.455787, Longitude: -2.970432

kommentar 5

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    Sam Roddie


    1 month after staying here we got a final notice for parking in the hotel car park of £85 and £160 if not paid within 28 days, thing is we had a ticket on the window ...... luckily we still had the ticket in the glove box and managed to cancel the fine but folks please keep your tickets for a couple of months or you won't be able to prove you paid. This is a scam and the hotel need to ditch the company Local parking security LTD as they are hoping you throw away your ticket and you have to pay them the fines.

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    Karen Byrne


    Few days in dundee with my 84 year old mum.Staff in hotel excellent very pleasant and couldnt do enough for us .Rooms are lovely and beds fab.Food fantastic in restuarant and the most amazing staff.Had a lovely break would certainly recommend

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    Janice Learmonth


    Great Premier Inn, had room overlooking the Tay, absolutely beautiful, very central for the sites of Dundee. Staff great, very helpful nothing too much trouble. Definitely worth staying there.

  • Richard Heasman

    Richard Heasman


    Just refurbished and staff getting used to their new facility... so the inside accommodation is fresh and clean... they did warn us of the slight delay to food coming out due to the restaurant being fairly full... which was appreciated. Staff friendly... price reasonable... choice good... quality of food and prep good. You pay for what you get so don't expect a niche restaurant experience.... that would be unreasonable. There is parking but I think this is council owned so there is a low fee but this is right next door to the Discovery ship on the banks of the Tay. The new V&A museum will be opening shortly so will make this venue very popular I guess as well as it being opposite to the Train Station and close to the City Centre. Should also be good during the Summer with outside seating space.

  • Ralph Averbuch

    Ralph Averbuch


    Like pretty much any modern premier Inn anywhere in the UK, this was comfortable and good value. The standout is location, within easy walking distance of town centre Dundee, the Discovery and soon to open V&A Dundee. The restaurant was also impressing with unobstructed views across the Firth of Tay.

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