Premier Inn Hull City Centre i Hull

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Hull City Centre



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Tower Street, Hull HU9 1TQ, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8534
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Latitude: 53.741788, Longitude: -0.328378

kommentar 5

  • en

    Darren Heggs


    Me and my wife stayed here for 2 nights on the 12th floor amazing views. The breakfast was buffet style which we like , I had the mixed grill on both evenings and was quality. One of the best premier Inns we've stayed in, regarding the care and attention the staff gave us. Big mention to Ian, Lacey and especially Jo.

  • Ben



    Such a wonderful hotel. Been here many times now and never dissatisfied. Such friendly and helpful staff. Rooms are clean and modern and all have superb views. The bar and restaurant offers nice food and has a great atmosphere, with stunning views over the sea. The hotel is only a two minute walk from 'the Deep' where you can see fish and other marine life - great for kids. Also very close to Hull city but not so close that you are disturbed in the night. Overall I would strongly recommend this hotel to anyone!

  • en

    Lucy GG


    Fantastic value. Staff very friendly and helpful. Great value breakfast. Clean rooms. Comfy bed

  • en

    Jane Barclay


    Room nice and clean. We had a disabled room and the bed was a bit to low and the large bathroom was freezing, not even a hot towel rail. Made getting up for a wee in the night a bit cold so woke me up and struggled getting back to sleep. Breakfast and we had to make 3 attempts to get a full English. Would prefer to have fried and poached eggs ready with everything else rather than order them separately. Eggs came out, went to get rest of breakfast but half the stuff was missing, no bacon,, hash browns or beans ready. Staff friendly and helpful but didn't seem interested when we pointed out how cold the bathroom was. It was to cold to have a shower in the morning, room 801. The heating was turned down when we arrived and as the weather had turned bitterly cold it took ages for the room to warm up. Was going to stay another night but due to the cold bathroom decided not to. Very uncomfortable stay and disappointed with breakfast, didn't sleep much at all.

  • en

    Thomas Staples


    The rooms were exceptional. Great value for money. The parking was hidden away but was secure. Absolutely friendly staff. The one and only big flaw was the lack of elevators available and space in the Elevator. Other than that it was fantastic

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