Premier Inn Preston Central i Preston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Preston Central



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Fox Street, Preston PR1 2AB, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8908
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Latitude: 53.7587753, Longitude: -2.7044416

kommentar 5

  • camera cameras

    camera cameras


    By far the best Premier Inn I've stayed in. The staff were all friendly and I received a very nice welcome when we arrived. The food was excellent and we enjoyed our stay. 😁

  • en

    Melanie Alcock


    Spent a very pleasant night here with my family. All the staff we encountered were so friendly and helpful. Food was great and room was clean and comfortable. I'd definitely stay here again.

  • Matthew Sewell

    Matthew Sewell


    Stayed a couple of times here and has always been excellent. Very clean and quiet with fantastic staff. Amazing beds and cosy bar and restaurant with great food. Ideal location for staying in Preston and relatively cheap. Definitely worth a try if wanting a cheap night's sleep in the centre of Preston.

  • en

    sacha bedding


    Stayed here in two family rooms mixing and matching two groups (note to Premier, if you sorted out a suite for a family of 5 you'd make a fortune!) No parking on site, but just around the corner was a Euro Car Park. £8 for 24 hours; no cash, card only which was easy enough to navigate. Anyway, usual standard; clean and tidy no complaints. What was very good was them allowing us so to book in early as we'd been travelling and were going to a wedding that afternoon. Also allowed the adults to have free coffee as they'd just finished breakfast. I want expecting either, so that was a welcome surprise. When we returned in the evening, security staff welcomed us with a pleasant greeting; shame they are needed but it is in a city centre location so likely to attract a few idiots. Breakfast had no crunchy nut cornflakes; if that's the only complaint against the place, it says to they did it well. Lastly, getting out of Preston was a bit of a strange one. One way streets, with bus lanes seemingly randomly stopping you going the most obvious way out. Town and highways planning isn't in the gift of the hotel mind!

  • David Ranger

    David Ranger


    Lovely stay here for 1 night. Staff were very friendly and courteous both at reception and in the restaurant. Room comfy and clean. Only issue I had was finding the car park in the dark.

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