Premier Inn Sunderland A19 A1231 i Sunderland

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Sunderland A19 A1231



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Wessington Way, SR5 3HR, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 9058
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Latitude: 54.9108428, Longitude: -1.4566052

kommentar 5

  • en

    Devon Smith


    Loved my stay here. The Premier Inn itself is ideally placed by the main road. The beds are comfy and you have the TV in front of you to relax. The Brewer's Fayre restaurant is attached and the walkway to it is to the left of the hotel reception. They serve great food and the staff are very friendly. I'd highly recommend a visit here!

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    Patrick Owellen


    Like a wild west saloon. Very much a local watering hole. Slow service poor food and just not a place to relax

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    Kevin Muir


    Friendly staff, meal was decent in the Brewers Fayre, breakfast was a quite dried out though. My room faced onto the A19 which was pretty noisy throughout the night.

  • kash khodabakhsh

    kash khodabakhsh


    Stayed due to an event nearby. Although right next to the A19, it was quiet (I was in a room facing the car park. The hotel is connected to the pub, and that has a great selection of food and alcoholic beverages at very competitive prices. My friend trid the Tandoori mix and was very impressed, good selection of veggies too. Definitely recommend.

  • en

    damon kirby


    Reception were courteous but a little too much charting amongst themselves. Good was great and the rooms functional. Nothing around the hotel to do and the road can be very noisy

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