Quality Hotel Coventry i Allesley

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeQuality Hotel Coventry


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Birmingham Road, CV5 9BA, Allesley, West Midlands, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 24 7640 3835
internet side: www.choicehotelsuk.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.4279137, Longitude: -1.5755016

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anthony Hill


    Pros- reasonable room rate, clean, bar, decent food Cons- charge £5 to park car over night, road noise is deafening. No sound deadening between rooms. Managed an hours sleep

  • Arky Fox

    Arky Fox


    Update 21/4/18 never staying here again,new parking charges when all others are free locally and it's not improved from when I was last here. Also insisting on a deposit for paying cash. No,you need to tell people this stuff BEFORE they arrive. What a joke, charging customers £5 PER DAY for a car park. And the double room this time was poor like the single ones. Never coming here again. Previously I have loved staying at the hotel. This time was awful. The double and twin rooms are amazing so why are the single rooms so atrocious?! It was cold, the bed was hard, the facilities were appalling and the room was out of date. Don't book a single room here :(

  • Suraj Patel

    Suraj Patel


    Great hotel. Clean rooms and bathrooms. Great wifi too. The food in the restaurant wasnt great. I had a house burger. Would stay here again. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Kays Andy


    Nice place. Ample parking (pay and display). A bit tricky to get to as there is another hotel nearby and from the A45 the signage is poor. They do have good facilities though.

  • en

    Jade Ellis


    Very nice rooms. No fridge. Feels a bit creepy. Chicken strips are banging. Friendly staff. Beds are a jam. Good tv. Smoke out the window.. handy plug sockets in the wardrobe

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