Quality Hotel Stoke City Centre i Stoke-on-Trent

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Det Forenede KongerigeQuality Hotel Stoke City Centre


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66, Trinity Street, ST1 5NB, Stoke-on-Trent, Stoke-on-Trent, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1782 202361
internet side: www.qualityhotelstoke.com
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Latitude: 53.025713, Longitude: -2.1799009

kommentar 5

  • Marty Day

    Marty Day


    The room etc was all great and the food was pleasant enough. My biggest issue actually concerns the fact that the water was very very rarely topped up throughout the day, perhaps once and we were in the room all day. I would have appreciated another couple of top ups :-)

  • John Ernest McGeorge-Oanta

    John Ernest McGeorge-Oanta


    Comfortable hotel accommodation, with good facilities, including a pool, jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. Room was of a good size with comfortable beds. Breakfast was plentiful, though the restaurant was locked until 8am and the food still wasn't ready on time. Finally a strange smell of cigarette smoke kept permeating into the room, which was a little unpleasant.

  • Ania Głowacka

    Ania Głowacka


    One star is to much for this place. Please, do not book rooms in Milton Bedrooms part. You will have to cross the yard to go these from reception. it is very inconvenient in bad weather when you go for breakfast. We had a lot of more problems than that. One room is underground. These is no light, no internet and you cannot open the window (very small and high like in basement). We get another room. Is a little bit better but toilet does not work. this is the worst hotel we've ever stayed at.

  • en

    Natalie Ready


    Spent the night here and was really surprised at how lovely the hotel is. It was built in the 1900s and still retains a lot of its beautiful period features while incorporating modern amenities. Reasonably priced and comfortable room. We had a family room (stayed with my 3 children) and opted for breakfast in the morning. Fantastic selection of food (including gluten free options) and such wonderful staff. Very friendly and chatty 😊 Highly recommended

  • da

    Eva Jensen


    Godt hotel, ikke så gode senge. Maden i restauranten er fin.

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