Quebecs Hotel i Leeds

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeQuebecs Hotel


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9, Quebec Street, LS1 2HA, Leeds, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 113 244 8989
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Latitude: 53.7966996, Longitude: -1.5491932

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tony Clinton


    Recent stay at Quebec's hotel in Leeds. Excellent service, food, rooms & staff. Well worth a visit.

  • en

    Carol Gallagher


    Stopped for one night and it was lovely. Room nice and clean and bed was really comfortable. Just 2 minutes from the train station and close to the centre of Leeds. Staff very friendly and helpful. Will definitely stay there again.

  • en

    Luann Finch


    Absolutely wonderful hotel. Hotel is unique and individual in the best way possible. Right in the centre of Leeds, a stones throw away from the station and all the restaurants and shopping. The staff go above and beyond - truly great welcome and made the stay all the more special. I can't recommend enough - if like us, you would rather stay in a hotel with a 'soul' - this is your first choice. We will definitely stay again.

  • Giulio montaque

    Giulio montaque


    We stayed in one of their suites, which was very well furnished and luxurious. They were happy to go the extra mile when I requested a wine cooler in are room before we arrived. the service we received what top class.

  • en

    Richey James


    Fab slightly quirky hotel. Room was on the small side but had everything we needed for a one night stay. Friendly welcoming staff.

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