Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh i Edinburgh

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Det Forenede KongerigeRadisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh


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80 High Street,The Royal Mile, Edinburgh EH1 1TH, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 131 557 9797
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
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Latitude: 55.9500624, Longitude: -3.1868831

kommentar 5

  • git gud

    git gud


    Located on a street on its end houses the Edinbrugh Castle, the highest point of the city that overlooks to it, the Hotel looks beatiful and old from outside. Wonderful lobby, lounge and Bar - modern and chic overall inside.

  • en

    Matthew Lodge


    Great hotel and very reasonable considering the location. Rooms facing the street can get noisy due to late night revelry in the street so best to book early and ask for a room round the back. The leisure facilities are great, the staff are awesome and the rooms are very nice and clean. The breakfast was the best offering I think I have had in a hotel thus far and I stay in a lot of hotels.

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    Emms Mackenzie-bedford


    Fantastic. Great location. Staff very professional and friendly. Food great. Rooms well designed, exceptionally clean and very comfortable. Very. Reasonably priced.

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    Susan Knight


    Excellent service. Hotel beautifully decorated for Christmas. The room was gorgeous. The bed was so comfortable. The Staff were very friendly and helpful. The breakfast was the nicest to date that we have had. Very satisfied with everything.

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    Jane Lishman


    Perfect hotel for my overnight stay in Edinburgh. I've always liked the look of this hotel from the outside and it didn't disappoint. Great location on a main road and easily accessible from the railway station. Easy to book online, look out for some great last minute offers. Easy check-in and the room was ready early which was a bonus. Bedrooms are quiet, comfortable, well decorated, clean and a good size. Check-out was quick and bags left in storage so I could explore more of Edinburgh. Didn't get further than the Museum of Scotland which is 5mins walk away. Spa, bar and restaurant not used this time but looked interesting and definitely something for the next visit which will be for the festival in August. Will definitely recommend to friends and family.

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