Revolution Cambridge w Cambridge

Zjednoczone KrólestwoRevolution Cambridge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Downing Street, CB2 3DS, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 1223 364895
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.203417, Longitude: 0.123235

komentarze 5

  • en

    pure evil


    Long service at busy times , food was nice

  • Oscar Yesid Hernández Lagos

    Oscar Yesid Hernández Lagos


    This place it's probably one of the best places that I've been on, the food is delicious, the drinks are very good. The attention is nice. The mood in this place it's to enjoy every minute. You can be here with some friends and spend such a good time. I recommend it a lot.

  • Shawn Chan

    Shawn Chan


    Great place for food to get away from the busy street. Really big and open space so it's not crowded and noisy. Friendly staff and the nachos and fish and chips were excellent!

  • en

    Emma Hill


    I was here last night as part of my friends hen party. We were a large group so had been asked to pre order food which was fine. What was not fine, however, was the starters being rushed out when members of the party hadn’t even arrived. Things went from ok to bad when our mains arrived...we were served by a member of the management team who was so incredibly rude it was actually shocking. She stood holding plates of food, barking at us to who had ordered what, rolled her eyes and sighed and even said ‘do you even KNOW what you ordered?’ Absolutely unacceptable. It then turned out that half the food served was stone cold. Most of the girls just could not eat it and when questioned why the food was so cold, the same rude manager said it was because she was left stood holding it at our table...for less than a minute. Ridiculous. Things only got even worse when I was left standing at the bar for a good ten minutes being blatantly ignored while other customers were served immediately upon approaching the bar. Above all we did not let this ruin our night but I would never, ever return. I understand Saturdays are busy but this is peak time so surely places like this should be prepared.

  • en

    Lauren Freeman


    Came as part of a large party but the rest of the restaurant was quite empty. Service was incredibly slow, some desserts didn't turn up and the poor woman serving us was used as a messenger by manager following complaint. Ruined what should have been a great evening. Only positive is they were accommodating when one member of our party had a baby in pram.

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