Royal Station Hotel i Newcastle upon Tyne

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Det Forenede KongerigeRoyal Station Hotel



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Neville Street, NE1 5DH, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 191 232 0781
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Latitude: 54.969193, Longitude: -1.615384

kommentar 5

  • Ess Green

    Ess Green


    Booking was straight forward. Rooms nice and warm with everything you need and more in it! Ample parking in the station car park costing £8 a day which I think is reasonable!

  • en

    Sharon Roy


    We love this hotel...centrally located, free parking, leisure centre. Great breakfasts. Came to see Bryan Ferry at the City Hall, which was about a 15 min walk away. Been coming here for a number of years and wouldnt stay anywhere else. Thanks again

  • Maggie Willis

    Maggie Willis


    On arriving as it was during the week parking was easy at the front .the reception was spacious and stylish .the receptionist was very helpful. The room was large 2 x double bed 2x shower one in bath .very clean and comfy complimentary drinks and chocolate as standard 40" flat screen television. Very little noise from street .

  • en

    David Titmuss


    Loved this hotel. The room was great as it was a good size and the bathroom was spotless. This is an historic hotel and is well looked after considering. The architecture is typical of victorian times and in its day this was possibly the grandest hotel in Newcastle. The staff were very friendly and the prices at the bar were reasonable. All our requests were catered for. The fitness suite was fantastic! The pool was warm and a reasonable size and a sauna, steam room and jacuzzi are also available for those who wish to use this kind of facility. I would recommend this hotel and will stay again. The only issue was with the noise at night were people returning to their rooms late could be disturbing at times...but otherwise was very satisfied with our stay.

  • tony palmer

    tony palmer


    Great room and service. Have stayed here a couple of times in the past and always enjoyed my stay. Right next to the Central Station and Metro so ideal if you are a train user. When we arrived we were upgraded on our room which was a nice bonus. Reception staff were very polite, professional and helpful.

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