Saks Hairdressing i Middlesbrough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSaks Hairdressing



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52, Albert Road, TS1 1QD, Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1642 246864
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Latitude: 54.5767189, Longitude: -1.2343762

kommentar 5

  • Tom Bentley

    Tom Bentley


    Great salon and the staff are amazing, would recommend Saks Middlesbrough to all my friends and family, I know they will get brilliant hair services and meet there friendly staff who give brilliant advice.

  • en



    The best hairdressers in Middlesbrough!! staff are really friendly and there is a nice calming atmosphere in the salon. I have been going there for many years and won't go anywhere else, I always get what I ask for, and love the advice off my stylist regarding how to do my hair at home and what hair products I should be using. First class service.

  • Half Back

    Half Back


    Highly recommended, very friendly and very good at what they do

  • en

    Marwah Al-Waadh


    Very expensive, I spent 92 pounds for nothing, the colour before and after was just the same, so disappointed. To be fair the staff were very nice and frindly.

  • en

    Angela White


    I always receive a fantastic service at Sax in Middlesbrough. The staff make you feel welcome immediately and are friendly but very professional. I have been to many salons in the past and at times have been made to feel very uncomfortable by the whole demeanour of the staff. At Saks the focus is on you as a customer, not on your fashion and dress sense. You will be given an honest opinion on your choices of style and colour choices and what can be achieved in reality with your hair type etc. No false promises are made and I have been very pleased with the results of my hair cut/colour every time. The salon is run by Steve and he maintains very high standards within his staff. I can fully recommend this salon.

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