Sandys Row Synagogue i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSandys Row Synagogue


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4A, Sandy's Row, E1 7HW, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7377 6196
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5182941, Longitude: -0.0779444

kommentar 5

  • David Berens

    David Berens


  • ציון אבוקרט

    ציון אבוקרט


    נקודה יהודית בלב מזרח לונדון קרוב ליברפול סטיישן

  • E H

    E H


    A beautiful historic synagogue in the heart of the City. It is shame there are so few left around here.

  • teepat sutabutra

    teepat sutabutra


  • Pete Stean

    Pete Stean


    A pretty little synagogue tucked away in the warren of streets opposite Liverpool St station, Sandy's Row is one of the last of the East End places of worship for the Jewish community. It's a charming place that is little changed from the days when it was thronged with worshippers as recently as the 1970s. Although it shares features that are common in synagogues, one of the unusual aspects of Sandys Row are the light fittings - in the main worship space each and every one of them is a menorah - the seven-branched lampstand that is a key feature of Jewish worship.

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