Santé Massage and Foot Spa in London i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeSanté Massage and Foot Spa in London



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29, Whitcomb Street, WC2H 7EP, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 8617 1014
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Latitude: 51.509179, Longitude: -0.1305836

kommentar 5

  • en

    Honest Reviews


    Highly unprofessional, misleading advertising. The nice-looking website they have gives very false expectations. The actual place is unclean, drab, and your massage treatments take place underground in cramped and old facilities.They even seem to have fake Google reviewers posting here, which explains the overly good review score. Do not trust the 5 star questionably enthusiastic reviews. Service is poor at best. They try to be friendly, but with poor communication of their services and expectations. The receptionist is lukewarm is welcoming you, the front doors are kept locked, so you have to be let in, and you are asked to pay upfront. There is no "waiting room". You just sit at the dreary lobby chair, whilst you await your massage at the exact time whilst the receptionist leaves you unattended all the while you wait. The time starts the moment you are led into the room, not when the massage actually starts. You get the impression of a haphazard, cheap business. Barely minimal practices. The "therapist" does not seem to have proper training nor professionalism. Massage routines and techniques are amateur, and do not adhere to an authentic service. Massage rooms are barely presentable, cheap oils are used in the smallest amount possible. No towels are used during the massage, and no massage garments provided. They do seem to be responsive, however, in the massage, which means that you may have to go out of your way to clearly say what exactly you want done. You get a shower after in a simple booth in the room. It's not worth the price. (£1 a min, slight discounts from 45 minutes up) The quality of the experience is nothing like you would think you would have been getting from a "spa" they present themselves as. Avoid.

  • en

    Marta Włodarz


    I was very happy with my back massage and would come back any time

  • en

    George Souza


    The treatments here were good, the staff were friendly and professional not to mention the spa itself was clean and welcoming. I can see myself coming back here in the future with more of my friends

  • Faye Bryan

    Faye Bryan


    I attended this spa with a friend recently as we were both in need of some relaxation time. We had a lovely, chilled out day. The treatments were good, the staff were professional and friendly and the spa itself was clean and welcoming. We will be back soon for another treat that's for sure!

  • Emily Grace

    Emily Grace


    I found this spot on the net. They seem to do online booking but as an old fashion person I decided to give them a quick call and an appointment was easily booked for a convenient time of mine. Went there, did a 2 hr deep tissue massage, cost me £100. Reasonable price. Most importantly, I felt my muscles were reborn after that intensive session. Very well worth going!

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