Secret Meadows i Hasketon

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White House Farm Wildlife Site, Hasketon, Woodbridge IP13 6JP, Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1394 382992
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Latitude: 52.11935, Longitude: 1.281029

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michelle Brackett


    Stayed at Secret Meadows, Woodbridge, Suffolk for a long weekend. Arrived Friday 29th September and departed Monday 2nd October 2017. Stayed within a Luxury Tent (No.4). 3 adults and 2 children. What can I say apart from "brilliant". Was warmly welcomed by Ross who showed us to our tent (less than a 5 min walk from the car park) and then proceeded to explain how to use the amenities within the tent. We were provided with a small pull-along cart to take our belongings from the car to our tent. I included the chicken coup (a highly recommended add-on). The chickens were allowed to roam the site during the day, returning to the coup at dusk. Where we then secured them for the night within their coup. Tent was laden with all kitchen utilities. Towels and bedding provided. Toilet and shower were at the rear of the tent. We stayed till Monday whereby everyone else left on Sunday. We had the entire site to ourselves. Open grassland to the front of our tent and wooded area to the rear allowing the kids to venture out and explore. There was a shop pantry and an addition shed by the car park. Pantry was well stocked and the addition shed provided extra wood, lanterns and power sockets (use to charge our phones). All I can say is "brilliant". We were made to feel so welcome. I absolutely loved every aspect of this site. We are already planning our return trip. Give it a will not be disappointed. Absolutely brilliant.

  • en

    vicky nicholls


    Secret Meadows is a wonderful place to really relax and unwind. A fantastic place to take kids, our two loved it. The tents are beautiful and fitted out with everything you could need. Clearly a lot of thought and care has gone into this place. Ross and his friendly team are on hand should you need anything at all. A lovely location with lots to see and do. The only down side is that we couldn't stay longer.

  • John Constable

    John Constable


    Great first experience of Glamping, based in a lovely woodland. We took advantage of the fire making and den building 'courses' and Ross was knowledgeable and patient, with the children and the adults. The grass area of the campsite, allowing people to interact (or not, if they wished, as each place is slightly set back into its own glade), and run around car free was definitely a highlight. We also took up the offer of renting chickens and a coop for the week, and as well as three eggs, got a great experience of looking after the even tempered creatures. Would definitely go again.

  • Matt Lewis

    Matt Lewis


    A quaint and peaceful retreat in a calm and picturesque corner of the country. I stayed with my family in the Gypsy's rest. The accommodation was extremely well-equipped, comfortable and beauty decorated. We had great fun reclining in the hammock and outdoor seating as well as barbecuing on the Kadai. My father was in his element splitting logs for kindling and keeping the fires alive in the wood-burning stove. The pantry was well stocked with delectable treats and all the necessary goods. We had a lot from there but there is also a lot of storage to bring your own food and drink. The staff are very friendly, approachable and helpful and I couldn't recommend a stay here more. Would have liked to have started a full week.

  • en

    UK Based


    Stayed here for a weekend and it was absolutely brilliant. The tent was really well thought out and included everything you could need. The well stocked pantry was also great. The space around each tent offered privacy and the surrounding fields were beautiful for a relaxing stroll. Ross the site manager was very friendly and helpful for the whole weekend. Will certainly be making a return visit.

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