Shell i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeShell



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Ebury Street, SW1W 9QJ, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7823 4552
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4925625, Longitude: -0.1505718

kommentar 5

  • en



    Very bad experience. Meal deal has signs for buying but the drink I’ve chosen which had the sign on it said it clearly that it was including meal deal. He refused to put it as he said “this is expensive one”. Will attach the photo. Also, the toilet is a mess.

  • F N P

    F N P


    Cheap petrol/diesel and opens nice and early, which is handy if you’re returning a rental to one of the many car hire places that operate out of Semley Place. Staff are friendly to a man, the toilets are generally quite clean and are usually open, as long as you don’t rock up 15 minutes before closing as they’ll have probably just cleaned them. The range of stock is fairly limited due to a lack of interior space, but all the usual stuff stocked by Shell is there, including a Costa vending machine. All the cabbies come here either to fill up or empty, so it can be quite busy at times. I’d avoid around 8-9pm for this reason. There are a total of eight pumps but they are laid out too close together which usually means only four vehicles can fuel at any one time.

  • en

    Aaron Walker


    So local to work place ,cash till outside and you can use the toilet inside.Now what we used to do buy petrol or diesel and drop of family or friends at the coach station.

  • en

    Seth Bara


    Whilst useful for being within London, it's pretty small and there's often a queue

  • Arfar Choudhury

    Arfar Choudhury


    Great little petrol station conveniently located near Victoria. Great staff.

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