Skene House Holburn Apartment Hotel i Aberdeen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSkene House Holburn Apartment Hotel



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6, Union Grove, AB10 6SY, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1224 580000
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.1419877, Longitude: -2.1128741

kommentar 5

  • Nimrod Asbury

    Nimrod Asbury


    A home from home, had a fantastic stay here when in Aberdeen, I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone looking to stay in Aberdeen for a holiday.

  • Andre Varella Guedes

    Andre Varella Guedes


    Nice accommodation and helpful staff. The facilities included are amazing: fast wifi, free parking and a complete kitchen in the apartment. Besides that, it is very well located. I recommend!

  • Stacey Allen

    Stacey Allen


    Excellent place, immaculately clean, staff are very friendly and it is a perfect location to city centre, has parking. Highly recommended.

  • Sandra Machray

    Sandra Machray


    Lovely place to stay for a family. Pay for b&b get a living room too with a functioning kitchen. Polite helpful staff. Good buffet style breakfast included. Excellent value for money

  • Remrett Gorden

    Remrett Gorden


    Excellent apartment and very nice staff. You get a complimentary drink upon arrival if you wish in a quirky self service bar. Apartments clean and well presented with FREE parking at the rear. See pics. Only issue was that I was on the 3rd floor and stairs were a hard climb with no lift access. Also kitchen was very hot due to boiler. Those issues aside I really enjoyed my stay and look forward to returning!!!

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