South African High Commission i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSouth African High Commission



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Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DP, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7451 7299
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5082871, Longitude: -0.1266925

kommentar 5

  • en

    Diana Heyes


    Been waiting 18 mths for a certified copy of my birth certificate. I was told that it could take up to 6 months but 18 is ridiculous. They took my money, plus emails and the cost of numerous fruitless phone calls. I'll now have to send a letter via registered mail (more cost) to get a response. My situation is desperate. I'm a pensioner and my birth certificate is essential for houding purposes. Cant even find how to complain so resorting to this.

  • Ana Gomes

    Ana Gomes


    Second time round, had visited their website the day before and brought in all documents as requested, gentleman very polite gave us all the documents needed to complete for ID book, completed them, then had to go to lady in front desk who would check completed forms and give number, she hardly checked the forms we were trying to pass through and just said, very abruptly, that we needed a formal document of proof of foreign citizenship. But, according to their website, updated 10/04/2018, if received foreign citizenship through parents, only birth certificate required, which we brought in. We tried to explain this to her and she wouldn’t even try and listen and not even give us a chance to talk and was very abrupt and just said you need to go to the consulate or embassy, and get a letter declaring foreign citizenship translated into English ... then come back. Just found no empathy and no patience and no clarity, all confusing, it’s as if they don’t want you to get your SA passport or ID and don’t care.

  • John Schubach

    John Schubach


    Applied for new passports for our 2 sons. We made it clear these travel documents were urgent, and asked really nicely if something could be done to expedite quickly. Rather bemused (yet not surprised) to learn that a MONTH later, the passports had NOT LEFT THE UK for SA YET...........thanks for NOTHING

  • Samantha Howarth

    Samantha Howarth


    In all fairness, I cannot comment on the actual building or the staff you will meet at the counters, but I can most definitely comment on the help the High Commission has given me. I applied quite late for my study visa to South Africa, but the High Commission diligently assisted me with processing my visa in a week and a half, rather than the anticipated calendar month. Contrary to other reviews, the High Commission answered my phone calls and directed me to the appropriate people, and responded to my email on the same day it was sent with clear and useful advice. They informed me that correspondence from my university requesting my presence in South Africa could expedite the processing of the visa. After contacting my university, they emailed the Visa division of the High Commission, and I can happily say my approved visa arrived stamped beautifully into my passport this morning. All I can do is thank all of those who assisted, and recommend to anyone with issues that perseverance is key. Good luck, everyone!

  • en

    Shelly Hsu


    I applied for my passport renewal mid July. The staff were very friendly and helpful. So I expected an average of 4months, but I received an email after 3 months that my passport was ready for collection. It was really efficient and I was really pleasantly surprised. Some advice if I may: complete the application forms before you go, and make sure you have your own black pen and all required documents photocopied. There is less of a queue on Tuesday (when I submitted my application - around 7 people before me when I arrived at 8:50 vs 15 people on Friday morning when I arrive at 8:30) When you collect your passport, they will ask whether you received an email. Great service, exceeded my expectations. Thank you!!

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