Southampton General Hospital i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSouthampton General Hospital



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Tremona Road, SO16 6YD, Southampton, Southampton, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8077 7222
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Latitude: 50.9327921, Longitude: -1.4334958

kommentar 5

  • barbara holloway

    barbara holloway


    Good afternoon I am writing from Ireland and would like to express my very sincer gratitude and thanks to all the staff who cared for my son Dominic Holloway who was admitted via A/E on Saturday night . He was seen very quickly and pain relief given quickly . Yesterday he had surgery which was a success . I would like to thank the nursing staff on F6especially Sonia who was caring for him . She was extremely helpful each time I called. He is now in F5 and hopefully being discharged. To all concerned doctors nursing staff etc I send my sincere thank you Barbara Holloway Dominic’s don 05/12/1988

  • en

    Frank Andrews


    I am dismayed that there still seems to be a problem with patient records being updated in a timely manor, having spoken to the program providers of the new reporting system to see if its a program fault they passed my concerns of having to tell staff at 3 different wards the medical history of a family member, as the staff in each dept could not see the latest held information,this became very frustrating. The program providers passed on my concerns to the hospital,to date I have had no acknowledgement that they are looking into this problem. My concerns are raised with a positive attitude in ensuring this problem can be resolve for future Patience's before a more drastic incident happens. I wait a reply

  • Lucy Hallam

    Lucy Hallam


    Thank you so much for looking after my granny on her last two days on this earth. The neurological ICU staff were amazing. I couldn’t thank them enough for their kind support. They cared for us in our time of need and our granny’s. She would have loved you all.

  • en

    rosie paul


    Thank you to Southampton General Hospital Amazing treatment my husband received yesterday and today. The Ambulance staff were so kind calm and with an appropriate sense of humour. The Emergency staff were really great and the speed he was diagnosed and admitted to a ward was beyond expectation. The staff in both the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit and ward F8 were caring and compassionate and nothing was too much trouble. They have a demanding and difficult job and are a credit to their profession. My husband says he doesn’t know how they do it...last but not least the catering was excellent with good food served hot he could not have wished for better. Well done all of you. Cheers Merry Christmas Melvin Paul.

  • es

    Juana Anofre


    yo i mi familia fuimos en este hospital😇

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