Sports Direct i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSports Direct



🕗 åbningstider

2, St Davids, CF10 2DP, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 344 332 5434
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4799144, Longitude: -3.175251

kommentar 5

  • Andrea Farina

    Andrea Farina


    Hate to shop in here. Staff always unhelpful and treats you like scum no matter how nice you are to them. Nowadays I don't bother to go in anymore. Such a shame!

  • James O'Keefe

    James O'Keefe


    Messy store. Like a jumble sale. Changed hours with no posters (9 to a 9.30 opening) and then were rude to waiting customers. Disappointing. Value doesn't have to mean contempt.

  • en

    Ray Wilson


    Very helpful. Lady help me find shoes I was looking for.

  • en

    Iulia Butuza


    It's bad enough they offer vouchers instead of money back for their poor quality Karimor shoes. I went in with a voucher and the sales assistants couldn't do the maths to give me another voucher as change. After getting home with my purchse I noticed they've also forgotten to remove the anti-theft tags from my clothes. Needless to say I'm not going to shop there any time soon. Still looking for a strong enough magnet to get rid of the tags. Guess their security alarms don't work either.

  • en

    John Hughes


    I had 2 very helpful friendly staff who helped me find exactly what I wanted. They couldn't do enough for me and went back and forth to find footwear about 7 times! Great stuff (:

nærmeste Sko butik

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