Sports Direct Wimbledon DEB i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSports Direct Wimbledon DEB



🕗 åbningstider

C/O Debenhams, Centre Court Shopping Centre, London, Wimbledon SW19 8YD, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 343 777 1352
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4220846, Longitude: -0.2038077

kommentar 5

  • en

    Haz Syed


    On the 19.02.2018, I visited the Wimbledon branch. The customer service was excellent. The person in blue top who served at the till was very friendly and helpful.

  • en

    A McAllister


    Unlike other reviewers I've found the staff very attentive when I've visited. Recently purchased football boots for my son and they went out of the way for the fitting. Also the prices could not be beat online or elsewhere.

  • Stejay Stephen-John Rado

    Stejay Stephen-John Rado


    First off good luck finding this store, its in Debenhams on their 2nd floor. I just wanted to get a swimming cap quick but went in there asked the lady who worked there she said they don't stock them in this store but as I left I noticed a full rack full. Clearly have no idea in this store.

  • Linus Eustace

    Linus Eustace


    where tf is it? no signs to it at all, just some posters saying it's there. I seriously doubt its existence.

  • en

    John Parkinson


    This is the smallest branch of Sports Direct, it was really difficult to find. They don't do refunds for items bought from other branches as this branch is a subsidiary of Debenhams.

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