Springwood Fisheries i Melbourne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSpringwood Fisheries



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Ashby Rd, DE73 8BJ, Melbourne, Derbyshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1332 864331
internet side: www.springwoodfisheries.com
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Latitude: 52.803461, Longitude: -1.430969

kommentar 5

  • Touring with Dan

    Touring with Dan


    Didn't fish, but a lovely little campsite, with just a few hard standing pitches. Staff very helpful on the phone and in person. Toilet and shower blocks were clean with proper power showers. Electric hookup is included in the price. There is fresh water and a grey water dump. There is also a black water dump but it is only suitable for cassette toilets. If your like me and have a black tank there are no suitable black water dump facilities. This is a minor issue however which does not detract away from the fact that this is a lovely peaceful place to spend the night.

  • en

    Sandra Jackson


    Fantastic site , Iain and Jen great host visited many times and cant wait to visit again. Fishing is good two well stocked ponds for the novice and serious angler . It is a must for an enjoyable relaxed retreat .

  • Stephen Stone

    Stephen Stone


    What a lovely find. 3 novices and 1 occasional fishing enthusiast. We turned up slightly apprehensive but excited.springwood could not have been more welcoming. They showed us the ropes and off we went. The owner even came over and explained how to setup different ly, this worked great. This place is a real gem. Competition s on at the same time so was great to see.

  • Sean Davidson

    Sean Davidson


    Very relaxed and peaceful. Ian and Jen are great hosts. I would have given 5 stars but due to not enough shower facilities

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    John Yorke


    Is more like a very nicely presented carp puddle. Beautiful surroundings. The old chap is pleasent and informative. The young man there, was a bit a of an ego inflated young man whose just discovered authority. But ignore him, be a responsible angler and you'll have a lovely time. There are clean ladies and gents toilets, cafe, bait. Caravans, campers and log cabins. This has great potential ( If that ego doesn't offend too many people). I will be taking my family here in the future for day trips. Well done all concerned.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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