St. Ermin's Hotel, Autograph Collection i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeSt. Ermin's Hotel, Autograph Collection



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2, Caxton Street, SW1H 0QW, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7222 7888
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4990236, Longitude: -0.1344068

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve Brookman


    I've been here a few times now. Set in a lovely quiet little back street this hotel restaurant provides excellent modern European food to a high standard. Relaxed quality atmosphere. Go for the working lunch and the price is incredible for the level of quality.

  • Wayne Ng

    Wayne Ng


    What a wonderful stay. This is a boutique hotel experience within the Marriott group of hotels. The location is excellent being a brief stroll to Buckingham palace, Westminster and St James' park. Tube station is just around the corner. The rooms are very comfortable and luxurious. The staff are very friendly and helpful. If the rooms are within your budget and you are visiting London with the intent of visiting the main attractions then you definitely can't go wrong with this fantastic hotel.

  • Susan Hodges Grant

    Susan Hodges Grant


    This is a jewel in the Marriott crown. The staff are incredible with impeccable attitudes and willingness to assist their clientele. The rooms are fabulous with all amenities that make a stay in London absolutely memorable. And did I mention its central location? A must-stay Marriott property.

  • neil owen

    neil owen


    Excellent hotel! Beautiful entry and lobby. Very quiet rooms with a comfy bed. Good sized bathroom with a huge shower. You can really feel the character in the place. The only negative was the view. But not surprising as its central London

  • en

    Jelle Zethof


    I enjoyed my stay at the st. Ermins hotel. The hotel lobby looked very nice. The room felt very comfortable and was supplied well, including mainland European plugs. I especially liked the breakfast, it was extensive and very good. The location was also very convenient close to many attractions and easily accessible by public transportation.

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