St. Thomas' Hospital i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSt. Thomas' Hospital



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Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7EH, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7188 7188
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Latitude: 51.4982703, Longitude: -0.1191927

kommentar 5

  • Chris Charles

    Chris Charles


    Seriously impressive hospital, goes on for miles and has loads of different departments so it may take you a while to find the department you need!! My friend was treated very well and care was excellent, food ok. Efficient and friendly to an outsider, though staff may see a different side! Just got a pile of investment from the UK government, so hopefully will remain a world class hospital. Stand strong and tall NHS!

  • en

    Alan Reece


    Staff on the whole great. Hygiene on refurbished Stephen ward disgusting to say the least. Toilets blocked. 4 bays under infection quarantine, no heating. No hygiene products in bathrooms. 3 of 4 lifts out of order What was the point of relocating patients into an unfinished ward? On top of all that still waiting after 3 weeks for an urgent procedure which at the time of review has been cancelled twice Apart from that a huge improvement on my previous hospital. I cannot praise the majority of the nursing staff highly enough though. 4 stars not 3 as previously posted. My bad.!! It's now 6 month and I've been back for tests. Cannot fault the excellent staff and administration at all

  • Mohammed Forhad

    Mohammed Forhad


    Took care of patients who had just had CABG and/or valve replacements. Also worked in neuro ICU and medical ICU. Management very approachable and willing to work with staff. Hardest part was stress of acuity of patients. Most enjoyable part was ability to take care of these type of patients. Pros excellent pt care Cons stressful often no breaks

  • en

    Gucci Santos


    Generally a good hospital. Midwives are usually friendly and helpful. The past few visits, I haven't had long to wait at all. I did have one bad experience which is when my child was born. We were in hospital for over a week and decided to self discharge as all checks on my child were good, my mother's instinct told me that she was perfectly fine and I felt I was losing my mind in there. One of the nurses tried to make me feel guilty and emotionally blackmailed me saying that if I leave, I'm going to have to come back because my child will get sick, "watch". Just to be clear, there was absolutely nothing wrong with my child, they kept us in to do tests for an infection as my waters had been broken for 2 days prior to giving birth - the tests were all negative. Then when we were waiting hours for our discharge papers, the nurse decided to very obviously flirt with my partner. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of my eyes; even he seemed a bit surprised. I was so angry.

  • gofc00



    Marvellous hospital. Highly professional, caring, considerate and communicative. I couldn't ask for better treatment. Pleasant, well appointed wards. If only all the NHS could be this good:-)

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