Steel City i Middlesbrough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSteel City



🕗 åbningstider

125, Marton Road, TS1 2DU, Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1642 252206
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.5733268, Longitude: -1.2266777

kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Ibrahim Karimi

    Ahmad Ibrahim Karimi


    No direct debit system، everything by cash۔ I prefer as this will ensure my card details are safe and I am not being charged secretly.

  • Mobatron 3000

    Mobatron 3000


    Best gym in Middlesbrough by far, and always has been. If you just want to train and are serious about it, then you won't find a better place in Middlesbrough to go. It's not about what you're wearing, what car you drive or how big you are, in here they treat everyone the same. Friendly staff, friendly members and some of the most knowledgeable people you will meet, regardless of your goals. The equipment is old but well kept and they're constantly improving where they can. As well as the cardio equipment and the free weight section, there's a boxing area, grappling area, tyre flipping and even atlas stones now. For less than £20 a month, I challenge you to find better locally, you just won't. Been training here for around 18 years, through different owners but the vibe has always remained the same. If you haven't been, give it a go. First session is free anyway and I would put good money on you joining that same day.

  • en

    Lewis Loughlin


    One of the best gyms in boro to go to also friendly and cheap

  • J. B.

    J. B.


    Just a local gym, not with very high tech equipments but I'm sure the results are much more classy. Been there to see some friends.

  • o's



    Best old school gym in boro

nærmeste Gym

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