Strachans Tyres Ltd i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeStrachans Tyres Ltd



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28, Bellfield Street, DD1 5JA, Dundee, Dundee City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1382 224299
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Latitude: 56.458847, Longitude: -2.988308

kommentar 5

  • en

    Derek Symington


    Satisfied customer Derek symingtin

  • en

    jamie mcintosh


    Recently just got my tyres done and alignment service was brilliant and was able to fit me in with short notice thanks again sean

  • Peter Gunning

    Peter Gunning


    Fantastic service on my wheel alignment today, tracking was off the scale bad after another garage replaced a track rod end. My car is now perfectly aligned and the handling is transformed! Thanks Sean

  • en

    Cavin Brown


    Couldn't have asked for better service! Went in to get my car alignment done and shortly afterwards the mechanic had noticed that there was a major problem with the back of my car. He stopped the job immediately and said it was unsafe. After I got the problem fixed, he got the alignment done! This system he has had made my car from feeling old and beat up to brand new. 5*+ for every field from customer service to honesty and reliability. Thanks again! One happy customer!

  • Anton Georgiev

    Anton Georgiev


    The guys at Strachans Tyres are awesome because they prioratize quality of work over speed and don't cut any corners. The customer service is friedly and approachable. After two tyre shops in Aberdeen failed to balance my new tyres properly I had to find a garage that would do it correctly in Dundee as I was already on my way down south when I noticed vibrations from my newly mounted tyres. Decided to give Strachans a try as they were open on Saturday and I am glad to have discovered them by accident. Will be back for an alignment on their Hunter Machine as it has been a problem finding a place that can align a track day preped BMW properly in Aberdeen.

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