Tesco Express i Liverpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTesco Express



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57-63, Dale Street, L2 2HJ, Liverpool, Merseyside, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 345 610 2835
internet side: www.tesco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.4084142, Longitude: -2.9879106

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ben Sharples


    Worst Tesco ever! Let’s start with 5 stars and see where we end up. Went in for food and beer and fair enough they had it, but the people in the queue had no idea what was going on. I had to queue jump to get to the self service tills and as a Brit that ruined my day. -1 Star for idiot customers. The guy also took so long to approve my booze purchase that I could have been born and grown to legal drinking age before he approved me. -1 star for that. Jen came out with some weird virus after the visit as well, -1 star for that. After all that the beer was warm. -1 Star. Poor effort.

  • James Grenside

    James Grenside


    I come here every day. Very well stocked. Although the staff attitude is pretty poor

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    Alison Seddon


    This store has always been very supportive of my work with the homeless. If they are busy the customer always come first but they make it known that as soon as they have chance they will help out by providing hot water etc. A true community shop who show respect for everybody.....regardless of social status

  • Robert Stark

    Robert Stark


    An absolute nightmare at peak times during the average workday (i.e. 8:50am or 12:30pm). The queues often wind around the shop, and there are no self-service tills. The isles are cramped, especially the food-to-go isle, and the staff all seem unhappy and flustered.

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    Christopher Lloyd-Jones


    Unhelpful staff - wouldn't help me with certain products in terms of offer price!

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