Tesco Extra i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeTesco Extra



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Inshes Retail Park, Milton Of Inshes, Inverness IV2 3TW, Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 345 677 9376
internet side: www.tesco.com
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Latitude: 57.4704239, Longitude: -4.1894389

kommentar 5

  • Duncan M

    Duncan M


    It's big enough to get choice but not too big where you wander around for hours

  • Caleb Bain

    Caleb Bain


    Great place for a local shop, with Timpsons, Dobbies garden centre, pharmacy, watch shop and other shops just up the park. Hobbiecraft, Matalan, McDonald's, Dunelm and Aldi. There's also the Inshes Church

  • Dave Cousins

    Dave Cousins


    I came in and went out to shop and find out if Tesco's had what I want or they could help when in doubt, with a smile and with wit did they guide right to it, the things that I needed and fill my basket. So go for yourselves and buy what you need, for at Tesco's they'll help you find the right foods and much more if you please.

  • en

    Judy Westwater


    Extremely helpful gentleman at Tesco Images earlier today.

  • Saj Ulldin

    Saj Ulldin


    Very large store, and not squashed like some of them. Good selection of clothes. Friendly staff, plenty of tills and self serve checkouts. Store was very clean and tidy, with nothing out of place and nothing laying around the floor like some places.

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