The Bridewell Police Station - Avon and Somerset Police i Bristol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Bridewell Police Station - Avon and Somerset Police


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1-2, Bridewell Street, BS1 2AA, Bristol, City of Bristol, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1275 818340
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Latitude: 51.457559, Longitude: -2.593569

kommentar 5

  • en

    Evan AR


    After they get 2 off them they deserve more stars good job.

  • en

    Rocío García Martínez


    Excellent service and very polite staff.

  • en

    TheGhost of JohnMordaunt


    Avon and Somerset police are an absolute joke. The area where we used to live is overrun with drug dealers who they are well aware of. My partner was attacked by one of their customers and when we reported it they came and arrested my partner. These clowns have written statements from at least two of these thugs admitting that they threatened my children, but they have done nothing because 'they were honest about it'. The reality is that they don't want to deal with a family/mob of 20 stone slobs swearing and cluttering up their nice station. I have little sympathy, because we had to put up with this on a daily basis.

  • en

    Russell Austin


    Tried ringing there 101 service 3 hours 45 mins no one answered the phone then a message send a email if they cant answer a phone dies that mean they have more time to read emails what a joke what do we pay council tax for a service which is non existant

  • en

    Graham Shoebridge


    Couldn't believe the breaking news of institutional racism and bullying from this force this morning on the BBC. But then,after seeing these terrible reviews about the force in general,one cannot expect much better.

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