The Cavendish London i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Cavendish London



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81, Jermyn Street, SW1Y 6JF, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7930 2111
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5078684, Longitude: -0.1379502

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Morris


    Nice welcoming venue with great staff and a perfect position in London just behind Fortnam & Mason and Piccadilly. Great cocktail bar on the first floor

  • en

    Andy Scales


    Brilliant first impressions, a very welcoming hotel, accomodating and helpful. Perfect location into the city. The room was really nice, good facilities a big bed and very comfy. The only issue was being woken up by taxi horns at 4am from clubbers over the road exiting the premises. Needs better spund proofing on windows. But all in all a really lovely hotel.

  • en

    sade allen


    This hotel is situated in a great location and delivers a fantastic stay. I have stayed with the Cavendish twice now. Most recently for my birthday 17/03/2018 and I had the most magical experience. The staff are so lovely and accommodating. They even left a card and a cake in my room to mark my birthday. The beds are the best sleep that I have ever had and the location just can't be beaten. We had a view of the London eye and surrounding landscape. Personally this would be my top choice when staying in London for a nice getaway.

  • Emily Wilkinson

    Emily Wilkinson


    Great location. Polite staff and lovely room. We were located at the top so had wonderful views of the city. Right next door to Fortnum and Masons and easy to get to on the tube.

  • Nicola Evans

    Nicola Evans


    Absolutely amazing hotel and staff. They can't do enough to help make your stay as comfortable as possible. Professional and courteous but also friendly. Rooms are clean, comfortable and well stocked. Would thoroughly recommend.

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