The County Hotel i Chelmsford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe County Hotel



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29, Rainsford Road, CM1 2PZ, Chelmsford, Essex, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1245 455700
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Latitude: 51.7373862, Longitude: 0.4635783

kommentar 5

  • Damian McGreevy

    Damian McGreevy


    Nice enough hotel and seemed friendly staff. Car parking looks tight if theres any events on (as we arrived there was only 1 space as they had an event but later on we went out and when we came back there was plenty). Only slight downside really was the floorboards above were very creaky which made it hard to sleep until it died down about midnight

  • Danny Nevill

    Danny Nevill


    Nice hotel situated in a good location within Chelmsford, Essex. I met with a client in the bar area and the facilities appeared to be good. The car park was very beneficial, particularly for such a central location. The staff were friendly and attentive. Prices seemed to be similar to most places within Chelmsford and overall I can say this is a nice location to head for a drink, a snack or bite to eat. Unfortunately I have not stayed in the rooms, consequently, cannot comment on those.

  • en

    Sue Murray


    Had afternoon tea and with family. Chose the savory option. Very nice quality to the food. Service was OK. Could have been more attentive. Overall may go back x

  • Andy Sheldon

    Andy Sheldon


    Really enjoyed staying here. Happy staff and good rooms and parking. Good for working away or for a family weekend.

  • en

    Thomas Mason


    Room was clean, good size and everything worked. t was a bit out dated but nothing too dramatic. The food is exceptional. Definitely try the food best meal I have eaten in ages, amazing wine too. A great evening meal followed by an excellent breakfast.

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