The Elizabeth House Hotel i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Elizabeth House Hotel


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42, - 44 The Avenue, SO17 1XP, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8022 4327
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Latitude: 50.919403, Longitude: -1.403538

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sean Mcdonald


    Fairly certral, nice rooms and friendly staff

  • en

    Alison Berry


    Partner and I came visit student daughter.Warm welcome, spacious and very clean room and bathroom and well heated. Very comfortable bed. Lovely cooked breakfast we chose full english which came with tomatoes mushrooms fried potato fried bread and generous portion of bacon and sausage other cooked options available as well as tea coffee toast cereal and juice. Very polite and friendly staff. Proximity to town good and free parking.

  • Nicki Hunt

    Nicki Hunt


    Lovely B&B. Clean. Friendly staff. Yummy breakfast!

  • Omer Moghraby

    Omer Moghraby


    This is essentially a b&b. It's a bit old fashioned with tired fittings & furnishing. Breakfast was of a fairly poor standard given pricing - I would expect better ingredients. My room was ok. Quite big - but I suspect it hadn't been update like others towards the front of the property (these things take time I am sure for smaller businesses). That said it's v friendly. Has good parking on-site and is quite centrally located. Owner seemed v friendly and welcoming when he popped in. Would stay again. Lots of people seemed to stay pre cruises.

  • en

    Mel Abrahams


    Had an overnight stay at this lovely hotel prior to our cruise. We were given a very warm welcome from the owners Our room was bright and spotlessly clean and the breakfast was first class. We had arranged to leave our car there and all went well. We will defintely be back again soon.

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