The Golden Lion Hotel i Stirling

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Golden Lion Hotel


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8-10 King Street, Stirling FK8 1BD, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1786 475351
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Latitude: 56.1179752, Longitude: -3.9373196

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Butler

    Anthony Butler


    Attended The Golden Lion Hotel for a recent private conference event. Due to a number of road works and street diversions we had a bit of difficulty finding the car park at the rear of the hotel. It was fairly small and I would recommend you arrive early if you want to use their spaces. The rear of the hotel doesn't do the inside justice. The bar and dining area is very nice and modern and we enjoyed sitting there for a drink prior to the event. The function rooms upstairs are spacious bit not finished to as high a standard and a more traditional feel. Staff were all friendly and the venue served the purpose.

  • Steven Anderson

    Steven Anderson


    I was there for a meeting. The staff did not acknowledge any of us trying to find the meeting room which was very poorly signposted. The room itself had wallpaper peeling off the wall and was very tired in its appearance.

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    Dawn Marie Todd


    Staff very helpful. Toilet facilities good but not great. Not very disabled friendly although there is a very small lift to the rear of the building through heavy doors and up an extremely steep ramp - wouldn't be able to self repel a wheelchair and better be strong if pushing someone in one. Motorised chairs won't fit in lift. Such a shame too 😱😢

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    Fabrice Majewski


    One of the best bar in Scotland. We want to try to hotel... well another time. The barman was great at suggesting and advising different areas and points we could come across. What a knowledgeable Scot. The beers were good too. The atmosphere was fantastic. I want to live this feeling again.

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    Kate Smith


    We have only stayed one night but the Hotel and it's staff are wonderful. We had a lovely room. The bar was open and reasonable to drink in and the hotel offers a restaurant until 9.15pm. Breakfast is fabulous has something for everyone and as much as you want. Very reasonable price for the standard. Will definitely stay here again.

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