The Goodwood Hotel i Chichester

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Goodwood Hotel



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New Barn Hill, PO18 0QB, Chichester, West Sussex, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1243 775537
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Latitude: 50.8673941, Longitude: -0.7337925

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tim Schumacher


    The hotel is OK as a standard mass-market 4-star place. Nothing wrong, good rooms, decent pool, and proper service as you‘d expect in a hotel of that class. But, and here’s our main issue: The entire appearance of its web site and its other marketing materials tries to pretend that Goodwood Hotel is a charming estate. It features only photos of the Goodwood house estate, implicitly making people believe that that’s the charming place (or at least in viewable distance) in which they‘ll stay. It seemed that any depiction of the reality (see our photo) of the not particularly unique hotel were deliberately avoided. This lack of charm unfortunately is part of the entire “experience”, including for example a breakfast in the very functional health club (where most people are dressed in sports gear, or, as seen, even in bathrobe).

  • en

    Eben Graham


    Friendly, helpful staff. Comfy rooms with ample space. Spa areas are great for winding down too!

  • en

    Neil Kellett


    Stayed here for Christmas with the family, great food, excellent staff, wonderful atmosphere. Rooms are very comfortable. Surrounding area is beautiful.

  • Martin



    Very nice rooms, friendly staff, nice restaurants and ample parking. But for a hotel selling itself as a relaxing getaway spa resort, it's infuriatingly stressful! Now I'm not a fan of aimlessly wandering corridor after endless corridor looking for restaurants or facilities. Yet this hotel is made up of an amalgamation of various buildings all linked together with no logical route from one end to the other. Yet there are no signs! No signs on the outside, none on the inside and no direction anywhere to tell you where you need to be. On arriving late after a 7 hour journey I had to call from the car park for directions to reception. I was then taken on a long walk to my room and told that the hotel had 3 different bars and restaurants as well as a range of other facilities. The staff pointed in the general direction of the restaurants and left to go back to reception. After unpacking my things I headed out to find one of the restaurants and spent 20 minutes wandering around the vast caverns of the hotels hallways looking for some sign of one. Eventually I headed back to reception, following only my sense of direction, to be told that Lord Goodwood doesn't like Signage and therefore there isn't any! I asked to someone to walk me to the restaurant which they did. It turned out that to get to the restaurant you have to go through the health spa and the swimming pool which seemed incredibly unobvious to me! It seems like such a backward thing to not have any signs anywhere within the hotel pointing you to the facilities or reception. Maybe it's just me. Maybe modern people like to be lost and have all the time in the world to waste being lost!

  • Mark Canty

    Mark Canty


    My partner and I had a very pleasant meal at the Goodwood Bar and Grill. The staff were well-mannered and attentive, and the food delicious. The pressed pork belly could have done with a slightly larger portion, and the bacon in the burger was... extra well done. But overall a her enjoyable evening.

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