The Grand Hotel & Spa, York i York

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Grand Hotel & Spa, York



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Station Rise, YO1 6GD, York, York, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 380038
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Latitude: 53.9585497, Longitude: -1.0890473

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kell Darkes


    The room we chose was great, a nice layout and everything in the room we could want. We had a rear facing room so not much of a view and we didn't book any time in the spa so can't provide any useful info on the facility. The breakfast was located in a nice restaurant with plenty of options available, we chose the buffet and were both pleased. The staff in and around the building were all friendly and courteous and definitely helped to make our stay pleasurable.

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    Annemarie Blant


    We loved this hotel. Would definitely recommend to anyone and will be staying again. All of the staff were very friendly and the location is fantastic. Just inside the wall near all of the shops

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    Sarah Grier


    A lovely warm welcome for my birthday. Glass of bubbly on the house. Friendly staff. An excellent room. Really well positioned. Fantastic short break with the hubby. Would recommend and stay again.

  • en

    Jayce GTi


    Fantastic hotel with fantastic staff who were very friendly, efficient and helpful. Great Spa and pool area with very relaxing environment. The room was very spacious and extremely comfortable and exceptionally clean with well considered added extras. The best hotel in York without exception. Will be staying again whenever I am in York.

  • Bloody_ angelx

    Bloody_ angelx


    Stayed here for my partners birthday. Arrival services were outstanding. The doorman was so friendly and welcoming. Check in was easy and stress free. However receptionists directions to room were vague but the doorman stepped in and helped us which was fantastic. Room cleanliness was exceptional and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay

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