The Green Dragon i Hereford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Green Dragon


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44-46, Broad Street, HR4 9BG, Hereford, Herefordshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1432 272506
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.0556253, Longitude: -2.7176257

kommentar 5

  • en

    Angharad Mansell


    First room I was allocated had no floor in the bathroom and no bath panel, with a saw and wood stored in the bath. Was given another room which was clean and tidy but the toilet wouldn't flush properly and when I ran water for a bath the water was brown and lukewarm. Only highlight for me was the restaurant downstairs which was fantastic

  • en

    Nettie Pollard


    Delightful place 17th century and still has authentic feel. Lovely old fashioned service. Will go again - don't miss its unique appeal

  • en

    Matthew Theakstone


    Really nice hotel, it is slightly dated but it adds to the character and is much more interesting to stay in then the same old premier Inn/travel lodge places. Very friendly staff and a brilliant location.

  • Mark McConachie

    Mark McConachie


    Probably Hereford's principle hotel. Historic and elegant, albeit with a somewhat old-fashioned offering. Large comfortable rooms (mostly) which are clean and well appointed with all the features one would expect. Friendly staff, a good welcome, and a filling breakfast in a heart of the city location. What more could one want?

  • en

    Lynne Atkin


    A characterful hotel a little past its best. Having said that, it was clean and well run with a good help yourself breakfast. There is evidence dotted about of its more elegant past. Interesting architecture and internal features. We loved it but it is a million miles away from the modern chain hotels. Old but everything worked.

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