The Grove Hotel i Saint Davids

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Grove Hotel



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High Street, SA62 6SB, Saint Davids, Pembrokeshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1437 720341
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Latitude: 51.8809095, Longitude: -5.2614131

kommentar 5

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    Donald Maclean


    Worth coming for the ambience outside and inside alone, great staff very helpful, and very comfortable beds. Decor of rooms tasteful with beautiful bare floors which make them a tad cool.

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    Mario Demaria


    Very friendly bar staff but unfortunately disappointing draught cider as it was off. The alternative Rev James was also poor quality compared to what I have had in my local club The Reverend James Loughor. High prices for poor quality drinks. Although the Cross Hotel wasn't any better, both selling two great Welsh beers but badly kept.

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    Mark Crane


    Nice hotel on the edge of St. Davids. Reasonably priced rooms. Restaurant and bar with outside seating. Friendly staff and free parking for patrons. Easy walk into the city, cathedral, etc.

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    Gaby Bate


    Stayed here a few times for business reasons. Staff are brilliant, so accommodating, can't do enough for you. Rooms are great, clean and we'll worth the money. Food is great and plenty. Keep it up, hoping to come back on pleasure soon and not business!

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    Karen Worrall


    Lovely stay last Thursday night. Comfortable room overlooking the garden. Excellent breakfast served by Sally which set us up for the Tour of Pembrokeshire prologue cycle ride. Very helpful and friendly staff.

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