The Hub Hotel i Peterborough

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Hub Hotel



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Boongate, PE1 5QT, Peterborough, Peterborough, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1733 894400
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Latitude: 52.5722232, Longitude: -0.2175818

kommentar 5

  • Jack The lad

    Jack The lad


    Pleasant staff noisey residents not really a hotel more like a hostel with rooms available for people in need of a cheap room for a night not worth complaining about as what do yoy expect for £38 i will stay again without hesitation

  • The Jelly Gamer

    The Jelly Gamer


    Lovely staff, no en suite and no plug sockets near the bed

  • en

    Tom Lee


    Friendly check in but that was as good as it got. Freezing room that stunk of cigarette smoke. No hot water. Terrible night staff. Really one of the worst I have ever come across. Threatening and rude and down right aggressive. Will never stay again and I'd strongly suggest that nobody does. Horrible hotel.

  • Ahsan Anderson

    Ahsan Anderson


    The staff were excellent, there is no doubt about it. This is effectively a warehouse which has been converted into a living area and I'm not convinced by it. It was noisy, cold, and the toilets and showers being right down the hallway with a less than pleasant aroma made me question what I paid for it. There's a vending machine which constitutes breakfast and the view from the window was dreary. I suppose if you just need a bed for the night, sure this place will do. But I wouldn't be staying here for anything longer than a nap in the future I'm afraid.

  • en

    tunde ogebule


    Came here for my anniversary and fell completely in love. From the moment you walk in to the minute you check out, this hotel blows your mind. So much art and adventure into such a small space. The lobby is lovely, not to mention the amazing wall of books. The rooms are cozy and much different than your average stay. I stayed in the hub peterborough hotel for 2days and it was amazing. The room itself was clean and the staff were friendly and accommodating. The bed was extremely comfortable, I really enjoyed my stay there. The service was exceptional, polite, attentive, accommodating, professional. Highly recommend this place and I look forward to spend my vacation here.

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