The Lensfield Hotel i Cambridge

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Lensfield Hotel


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53, Lensfield Road, CB2 1EN, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1223 355017
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Latitude: 52.1979513, Longitude: 0.1235926

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tony Ejinkeonye


    Clean. Tiny rooms. You've got to watch your head. No headroom. Great complimentary breakfast but can do with slight variation of the menu.

  • en

    Julia Bell


    Right in the centre of Cambridge. Very big room and lovely and clean

  • Mikey B B

    Mikey B B


    Nice hotel. Furnishings could do with updating in rooms & breakfast buffet isn't my thing.

  • en

    Paul Hall


    Lovely little hotel well furnished but a little pricey....but it is cambridge and that is standard.

  • James Ireland

    James Ireland


    We had a lovely stay at the Lensfield. Located very close to the train station and the city centre. The room had Aircon, power shower, heated mirror, as well as the usual stuff. Breakfast was nice and tea/coffee was freshly made pot/cafeteria. We wanted something a little more special than a Premier Inn, and were pleased with what we got.

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