The Mariner Hotel i Aberdeen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Mariner Hotel


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349, Great Western Road, AB10 6NW, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1224 588901
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Latitude: 57.134549, Longitude: -2.1271485

kommentar 5

  • Dave J

    Dave J


    This's a wkd gaff with lovely artefacts and friendly staff. Food is absolutely amazing

  • Awa Bear

    Awa Bear


    Good hotel with nice rooms. Fairly nice staff. I personally didn't really enjoy the food (but then, that is my personal opinion and i don't really like seafood!) All in all, 4 stars.

  • en

    Matthew Rosedale


    Only came for dinner but everything was delicious and super fresh. Oysters, calamari, scallops and even the fish and chips were fantastic. Couldn’t decide on the entree so I was offered a half-portion if scallops and fish and chips - perfect solution!

  • en

    Laura Campbell


    Stayed for 2 nights at the weekend. Room was comfortable and clean and had a nice outlook (however the decor was slightly dated) with my only complaint being the very creaky floorboards making it a bit noisy! We had dinner in the restaurant and breakfast both mornings - food was very good and service was excellent too. I would recommend the hotel to others however I probably won't stay there again as they do not allow dogs and I like to take mine with me! I didn't really see why well behaved dogs couldn't be allowed but that is the hotel's policy so fair enough!

  • Olga Maier

    Olga Maier


    Sehr authentisches Hotel, sehr sauber und nettes Personal. Der Preis ist auch unschlagbar.

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