The New County Hotel, Gloucester i Gloucester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe New County Hotel, Gloucester


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44, Southgate Street, GL1 2DR, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1452 307000
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8642789, Longitude: -2.2474709

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cherie Evans


    Love this hotel. Rooms are spacious and clean. No food sold here but there’s plenty of restaurants around.

  • en

    Nigel Tarbet


    Great location for the shops, docks and the cathedral. Although there's no hotel carpark, there's one in Longsmith Street, I used an NCP carpark in Brutten Way, it's easy to get too, it's not far from the hotel and it's a pay and display carpark, charging £4 for 24hrs. They don't do breakfast which is a shame although there's enough places to get breakfast. Also, the mattress was not the most comfortable and the microwave wasn't easy to use. The bar is lovely and an ideal place to stay to explore.

  • chux nkenchor

    chux nkenchor


    very noisy shack. Paid for late check out so I could sleep a bit before a night shift but the bloody cleaning staff were banging about having a jamboree in the name of cleaning. Not pleased at all, I would have get better sleep on the park bench. Room not cleaned or aired out properly, smells danky. Stay away please.

  • en

    India Hannon


    The cleanliness of the place was very good. Staff were very helpful and nice always. Only thing I would really object to is that there are no plugs next to the beds. In this modern day they should know people want their phones nearby, even if only for alarms!

  • A Lanesborough

    A Lanesborough


    Room had great views and equipped with everything needed. Compact double but big enough, en suite decent size. Close to shops, restaurants, docks and cathedral. Some big staircases to climb for those with mobility concerns. Didn't see a lift. Only "downside" is the run down council car park you have to leave the car in... although not the hotels fault and only minute around the corner. And the car was fine. Some street noise from revellers is to be expected depending on day of week and site of your room but is it a city break after all.

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