The Orchard Hotel i Quedgeley

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Orchard Hotel



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1, Olympus Park, GL2 4NF, Quedgeley, Gloucestershire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1452 348327
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8337509, Longitude: -2.2741949

kommentar 5

  • Anna Kennedy

    Anna Kennedy


    You get what you pay for here, the rooms are cheap and clean but not in great condition. I didn't appreciate our room tv randomly turning on and blaring out in the middle of the night, especially as there appeared to be no remote to turn it off.

  • David Leach

    David Leach


    Very good for the price. Room was small but for an overnight stay adequate. Friendly staff. No complaints.

  • en

    Trscey Stinchcombe


    Stayed there last night staff really friendly quiet relaxed atmosphere clean bed comfortable glad I went thanks to the staff

  • Rhys Protheroe

    Rhys Protheroe


    This was a really good place to stay whilst away working. When you are missing home comforts, it's nice to be greeted with a warm welcome and find a room that is well decorated with a nice comfy bed and spotlessly clean. The power shower was above par... I really didn't want to get out of it which makes a massive difference to all the other crappy showers at the places I've been staying at recently! The family who make this place work are really nice and very helpful with their true northern hospitality. Lots of places to eat nearby and I can recommend the Indian which is only a two minute walk away. This hotel was a real gem to find and well priced too. I would definitely stay again!

  • en

    Hsina Harry


    Nice hotel .. Spotlessly clean room , nicely decorated, large tv , tea coffee etc , quiet . Receptionist really nice .. Would definitely stay here again very good value .

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