The Pasty Shop i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Pasty Shop


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448, Strand, WC2N 6DX, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44
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Latitude: 51.5081303, Longitude: -0.1245274

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas Cameron


    Lovely snacks and great service

  • en

    Mark Hipperson


    Me. 'Can I have a cup of tea please?' Server 'No. we've run out of tea' Me. 'Oh really?! There's an M&S just 5 meters awary selling a box of 80 teas bags for £2.99; why don't you buy a box?' Server ' My manager hasn't told me I can'. Me 'is it worth me asking you whether you have asked him/her?' Server 'No '. I went to upper crust 10 meters away.

  • Daniel Kinrade

    Daniel Kinrade


    I tried the bacon and sausage roll today which came in a lovely crusty roll. Many establishment offer this for breakfast but I generally find them disappointing with a poor quality. The Pasty Shop uses very high grade ingredients and retail at the same price point as their competitors. Also aware that their pasty's are pretty good too.

  • Michael Crowe

    Michael Crowe


    Love me a pasty.

  • en

    Rachel Flint


    Always a good service at the pasty shop and they are always hot. Nice meaty fillings in the traditional cornish pasty. I think they are priced well and have a good selection. They also service a good range of hot and cold drinks. It doesn't matter if you turn up really late at night at the station they are still greeting you with a smile.

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