The Pelican Inn i Serrington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Pelican Inn



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Warminster Road, SP3 4LT, Serrington, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1722 792786
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Latitude: 51.1319446, Longitude: -1.903165

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gemma Woodward


    Nice bar staff, good pint. Is a little dated in it's decor and not isolated enough from the busy road and garages that it is next to.

  • sue



    I don't know how this pub keeps going as we were the only customers. However, the staff were pleasant and the fish and chips were lovely. We mentioned to the chef that the portion of mushy peas could have been larger, which wasn't well received.

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    Kate Tutty


    Would have been 5 stars. Food was delicious, staff so friendly BUT cannot believe there was no coffee machine. Only instant coffee.

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    The men running the pub looked after my Son after he had come off his motorbike. They were extremely helpful and hospitable. I'm very grateful to them. We will return when the snow has gone! 😊

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    Alex Britton


    Lovely pub, Fantastic service! I only went in because I had a incident with my motorcycle, but they couldn't help me enough! Will definitely be calling again! 10/10

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