The Pied Bull i Chester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Pied Bull



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57, Northgate Street, CH1 2HQ, Chester, Cheshire West and Chester, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1244 325829
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Latitude: 53.1930876, Longitude: -2.892961

kommentar 5

  • Emily Bradbury

    Emily Bradbury


    I absolutely love going here for a roast dinner. The portion sizes are fabulous and the food delicious! I love the idea of the gin platter too so that you can try three different gins! The new furniture is lovely and the venue on a whole seems much brighter. The menu has just recently changed and look great- can't wait to come back to try it!! Can't say a bad word about this pub!

  • en

    Richard Taylor


    Excellent accommodation. Room was modern and spotless. Bar was nice. Friendly staff. Quite noisy if near the road. But that's expected. Plus it's inside the city walls.

  • Captain Nabisco

    Captain Nabisco


    Stayed here on Easter Sunday. Room was simply fantastic (Room 9). Only criticism is the amount of Street noise you can hear due to the nature of the windows, however when something is 99% perfect I'm not going to complain. Food was beautiful and service was fast and efficient and reasonably priced too. Overall, an excellent stay and would recommend this place to anyone.

  • josephine sterne

    josephine sterne


    Quiet on our visit on Monday at 17.30 then steady trade after 19.00. Had splendid fish n chips ( small portion was enough for average appetites) large portion on offer too. Staff friendly & welcoming. About 4 awkward steps at front entrance but disabled access available at side entrance on Kings st. A handrail at front door would be helpful. Very old establishment full of atmosphere unspoiled by "trendiness". Ladies toilets very clean with modern fixtures. My male companions didn't have an opinion on the Gents.!

  • Liz Moore

    Liz Moore


    Actually only had beer there after walking all day with throbbing feet. However even if I weren't predisposed to rank this the best beer I ever had (local craft and dark), the couple next to me enjoying a romantic gourmet-looking pudding (and finishing every bit before bothering to cuddling up) made me wish I had more time to spend. The age of the place, ambiance, food, and made on premises beer was welcoming and classy.

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