The Queens i Leeds

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Queens



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City Square, LS1 1PJ, Leeds, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 113 243 1323
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.795931, Longitude: -1.5476451

kommentar 5

  • Kathleen O'Donovan

    Kathleen O'Donovan


    Art Deco style hotel, in a great city centre location. 2 minutes walk to the station. Lovely staff. Nice view. Overall great weekend here.

  • en

    I am the One


    Excellent, quality hotel. Fantastic staff. Great facilities. My room had a balcony with a fantastic view of the City of Leeds. I would highly recommend a stay here.

  • Ed Robinson

    Ed Robinson


    City centre location, no more than 100 meters from the train station. No noise from said train station. Art Deco style which is gorgeous. Food top quality and priced reasonably for city centre location. Polite and friendly staff who love to help, should you need it. Top recommendation.

  • Michael Croft

    Michael Croft


    Gorgeous hotel with amazing staff. Right from the entrance you are greeted by the person at the door and the people at the desk are lovely. Even if they don't have the room ready right away the waiting area downstairs is very nice and comfortable.

  • Tom Sadler

    Tom Sadler


    Very polite reception at all hours of the evening and morning. Comfortable bed in large room, quiet accommodation, and clean. In terms of downsides, the decor is a little faded and in its deco style you wither find that charming or dated, depending on taste. The breakfast starts early and is well appointed with good choice. Service is attentive and quick. Overall, a pleasant stay in the centre of Leeds with great access both to town and the train station (a stone's throw away)

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