The Ripon Spa Hotel i Ripon

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Ripon Spa Hotel


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Park Street, HG4 2BU, Ripon, North Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1765 602172
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Latitude: 54.135808, Longitude: -1.529743

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edward Szlumper-Morris


    Has the feel of a dieing hotel. Perfect setting, perfect grounds but clapped out. Maintenance required throughout. I first came her when I was 18 and it's not changed in the 17 years since. Real shame.

  • en

    Linda Bailey


    Loved it! Clean large rom and bathroom. OK the ceiling had water stains, but who cares - the rest of it was great. Smashing breakfast and excellent wait staff.

  • Craig Henderson

    Craig Henderson


    Probably good in its day! We stayed here for one night for a local wedding. It was clean and nice enough. The staff were friendly but you can tell the hotel has been around for a while and could probably do with a big refurb. Breakfast was served in a grand room where there's probably been a load of functions, dances, balls etc. but it looks a bit tired. There were remnants of the Christmas decorations where you could see where they'd been taken down 9 months earlier. Just missing that luxury or attention to detail bit then you would need to invest a lot of money but if you did it could be a really luxurious place. It's fine for the money just a shame it could be better.

  • en

    Jàñèt Tàtè


    Large clean rooms.beautiful cosy areas to sit and chill with coal fires. Bar and bar meals very nice.good portions and decent prices. Staff polite and friendly Hotel in need of some updating . Rooms and public areas on ground floor suitable for wheelchair users.

  • en

    June 4mbs


    This hotel is very well placed for the town centre of Ripon. Breakfasts were good and the staff friendly. The room was nice and bright and clean, so no problems with returning another time.

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