The River House i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe River House



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59, Fitzhamon Embankment, CF11 6AN, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 29 2039 9810
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4785385, Longitude: -3.1855374

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alastair Moffat


    Really well located and clean place to stay if you'd like to visit Cardiff. We've stayed for 2 nights with our 2 children (11 and 8 years old) in a room for 4 and we have enjoyed it especially the children as it was more fun than staying in a hotel (TV room/ breakfast in the kitchen/ speaking with other visitors). It was safe as well as there is always someone from the hostel there. It was clean and the toilets/showers/lavatories were new and in an efficient number.

  • Rika Yamada

    Rika Yamada


    Coooooool hostel. Clean room, kitchen, shower room and nice smile staffs. I'm very happy to stay here. Thank you.

  • en

    katie lisle


    My partner and I had a lovely stay at the River House! The beds were super comfy, the free breakfast was delicious and the hosts were all friendly. They help you try and find free parking too! Location is central, about a 5 min walk to the castle (which is cool). They have lockers in the bedrooms but I think you have to supply our own padlock.

  • Tanveer Hossain

    Tanveer Hossain


    The place is absolutely brilliant. Very close to the station and the City Centre. Staffs are very friendly. Rooms and facilities are clean. Dining area is spacious and the lounge is plush. Attracts good crowd. Highly recommended.

  • en



    The best hostel I have ever been! So clean, the room was spacious, and the bathroom was exceptionally clean and its facilities were very modern as hotels! Staffs were also nice and friendly. And the freely offered breakfast was also amazing. Not tacky at all, but well-known brands! I would definitely stay in this hostel if I go to Cardiff again.

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