The Rusty Bicycle i Oxford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Rusty Bicycle



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28, Magdalen Road, OX4 1RB, Oxford, Oxfordshire, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1865 435298
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Latitude: 51.7428743, Longitude: -1.2341773

kommentar 5

  • en

    Olartia Ruíz


    Very trendy pub! Family friendly! Nice outside terrace with covered colourful sheds. On Mondays you can get a burger at half price.

  • en

    Dean James


    Decent ale selection and a great atmosphere. A decent burger for £5 on Mondays. Can't complain!

  • naseer mehdi

    naseer mehdi


    Looks quite small from outside but it’s really big from inside. V busy. V good for local community. Out door seating available. V good lighting decoration outside. It has a public toilet just at the entrance of the pub which is a great help to the nearby people.

  • en

    Chelsea Chisholm


    Great little local with yummy pizza and burgers. The wings are yum too. It gets quite busy these days so sometimes it's hard to find a seat & it's lost one star as sometimes the regular draught beer taste awful. Maybe they need to clean their lines more often... but we still love it there.

  • Ryan Chen-Wing

    Ryan Chen-Wing


    The Rusty B is a comfortable, hip hangout for the neighborhood. Good selection of cask ales and craft beer. Nice simple menu. Good seating outside with sheltered booths too. Have gone back several times and would again.

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