The Slate / Y Llechan i Tal-y-bont

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Slate / Y Llechan



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Tal-y-bont, Bangor LL57 3UR, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1248 355500
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Latitude: 53.2163895, Longitude: -4.0905288

kommentar 5

  • en

    Premier Cars Bangor Ltd


    New owner Ben & family have turned this place around amazingly. Very classy. Brilliant friendly staff too. Well done to these guys & all the best from Premier Cars.

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    Claire Richardson


    An absolute gem of a place to stay. Had booked elsewhere which was awful, but luckily found The Slate. A warm friendly welcome greeted us, the whole building was warm, beautifully decorated and food was delicious. I will definitely stay again xx Thank you for rescuing our stay in Bangor xx

  • Hazel Hon

    Hazel Hon


    I met friends here that were visiting the area, so I only saw the bar. It's clean with a nice cosy atmosphere, with tables well spaced. The staff were helpful and polite. I had a pot of tea. The tea pot was rather cute, the cup a good size. It's came with a small piece of chocolate fudge which was a nice touch. One of the people I met there is a wheelchair user. The bar door had a lip that the wheelchair found a little tricky. There is a disabled toilet there that inexplicably, is up three steps and at the end of a corridor. My friend wad unable to access the facility.

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    Dave Jones


    We used to visit regularly when it was known as the Abbey field. This a complete renovation with everything from the car park to the rooms. All done to a high standard. It still has a friendly feel but it's now a boutique style hotel. We had lots of fun in the bar with the locals enjoyed the meals and venue as a whole. Picture from the family room looking out to Snowdonia, notice the railway is close but not an issue for us. Other photo is the nearby river Ogwen.

  • Gwyn Hughes

    Gwyn Hughes


    It was OK. I attended a family funeral here. I know that after the funeral, family and guests are invited to refreshments. But there wasn't much for the price of the funeral tea. And as for the teas & coffees. There was only 1 flask of tea and the same of coffee. They were empty in less than five minutes. I asked a very polite waitress if they could replenish both flasks? It took 20 minutes to bring out more teas and coffees, but while both flasks were full. The contents of both were cold.

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