The Westleigh Hotel i Bradford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Westleigh Hotel


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28-30, Easby Road, BD7 1QX, Bradford, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1274 727089
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Latitude: 53.7875913, Longitude: -1.7659187

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Blackburn

    Thomas Blackburn


    Never had a bad night at The Westleigh. One of my favourite places to drink

  • en

    bridie gallagher


    Lovely food pleasent bar staff meals very large if you don't have a big appetite share a meal plenty of it for two

  • General Gore

    General Gore


    Great service from great staff, everyone friendly and manager is awesome. Great event with friends and well provided by venue.

  • Chris Wright

    Chris Wright


    Food was good for the price and arrived in a timely manner considering the size of the group I was with

  • Amanda Dixon

    Amanda Dixon


    The family room was a good size and basic facilities were offered. For the low cost of the stay, the hotel met our needs and acted as a good base to travel from. The breakfast offered in the morning was well cooked with good portion sizes and the food offered in the evenings looked good. However, due to the noise from the road, the pub and from general 'housekeeping' issues (draughty windows, doors slamming through the night due to draught, etc) I would not recommend it if you wish to have a peaceful evening in. Perfect place for staying if you're going out in the evening and returning late though. For the low cost, perfection is not to be expected so close to a city. The bathroom, bedding, etc seemed clean, though decorating would make the room more presentable (there were splash stains/marks down a few of the walls). Overall an enjoyable stay, but the noise let it down when it was advertised as being in a quiet area.

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